``I want a cartridge that doesn't skip needles.'' This has been a long-held wish of DJs who work with vinyl. In order to make this dream come true, Ortofon requested the cooperation of turntablists who have won world championships in the world's best competitions such as DMC and IDA. We proceeded with development while carefully and sincerely picking out what they were looking for in a new-age DJ cartridge and its image. In addition, we have chosen an arm that can be attached to the shell and is lightweight, with consideration given to smooth operation even when using the DVS environment that has become a standard in modern times, and support for the portable wrist environment that has been increasing in recent years. Emphasis was also placed on versatility. Through the combination of turntablists and Ortofon's ideals, a dream cartridge was finally born that combines extremely clear, high-quality sound with resistance to needle skipping during hard play. VNL, a new standard cartridge for DJs that can accommodate any type of play, has been released as a standard product.
●Output voltage (1kHz, 5cm/sec.): 6mV ●Channel separation (1kHz): 20dB ●Frequency response (20Hz-20,000Hz): -2dB/+4dB ●Tracking ability (315Hz, under appropriate stylus pressure): "Stylus VNLⅠ "100μm・"Stylus VNLⅡ"90μm・"Stylus VNLⅢ"90μm ●Horizontal compliance: "Stylus VNLⅠ" 16μm/mN・"Stylus VNLⅡ" 15μm/mN・"Stylus VNLⅢ" 14μm/mN ●Stylus type: Spherical ●Stylus tip radius :R 18μm ●Cantilever material: Aluminum ●Proper stylus force: 4g ●Internal impedance: 700Ω ●Internal inductance: 450mH ●Recommended load resistance value: 47kΩ ●Recommended load capacity value: 200-600pF ●Self weight: 16.0g (recommended value, SH -4 Black installed) ●JAN: 5705796013948

Features of VNL, the definitive edition of the 21st century
Designed to be the definitive DJ cartridge for the 21st century, VNL is the fruit of Ortofon's wisdom, combining 100 years of tradition with the latest technology. The cantilever is made of highly rigid aluminum, which has a proven track record, and the stylus uses a round needle that is less affected by settings and board conditions. In manufacturing this stylus part, a state-of-the-art fully automatic robotic assembly was introduced, which succeeded in further increasing the uniform precision of an industrial product. In addition, when assembling the cartridge body, welding is performed using ultrasonic bonding at various points to strengthen body rigidity, reduce weight, and integrate materials.

The damper rubber that supports the cantilever was designed specifically for the development of VNL. In order to prevent the needle from jumping during play and maintain high tracking performance, it is essential to develop a special damper. For this reason, Ortofon manufactures exclusive dampers entirely in-house and carries out extremely strict quality control. The newly designed housing is designed to embody the ortofon sound, which has a reputation for being thick and powerful, while meeting the requirements of high visibility of the needle tip position during DJ play, giving it a simple and modern image. . Furthermore, the housing of this unit has a through-hole for shell mounting, making it easy to attach to various headshells and tonearms and make fine adjustments. The body weight is also lightweight at 6.5g, so it can be used with tonearms designed for use with lightweight cartridges. This VNL is rigid enough to withstand hard scratches and backspin, and exhibits high tracking performance on both DVS and regular vinyl. Additionally, the round stylus tip used in this machine minimizes vinyl wear during scratching and back cueing.
VNL has three types of replacement needles that differ in the softness of the suspension parts including the damper and the feel when playing. This was added to the specifications due to strong requests from turntablists. Their playing styles vary widely, and the softness of the suspension that is considered optimal without causing needle skipping also differs from person to person. Three types were selected from the many candidates, and the replacement needles were born: ``Stylus VNLⅠ,'' ``Stylus VNL Ⅱ,'' and ``Stylus VNL Ⅲ.'' Among these, "I" is the softest, and as the number increases, it becomes harder. Similarly, the tone becomes sharper as the number increases, so you can instantly change the tone to match the disc or scene. Ortofon's new DJ cartridge style offers a high degree of freedom of expression, allowing you to freely change the needle tip depending on your DJ playing style, purpose, and sensual preference. VNL Single Pack comes with the standard "Stylus VNL Ⅱ", and you can enjoy "I" and "III" by purchasing separately as needed.

VNL Premountedに用いられている軽量・シンプルなSH-4 Blackヘッドシェルは、人間工学に基づいた設計思想と視認性の向上を目指してフィンガー(指かけ)が大型化されています。さらに針を下ろす時は指先から抜けやすく、針を上げたりシェルを保持する際には指先に残りやすくなるよう、フィンガー先端には絶妙なカーブと表面処理が設けられています。そのため、ヴァイナルDJのビギナーはもちろん、ベテランのターンテーブリストにも、またはDVS使用時の操作や通常のリスニング用途にもおすすめの逸品です。また、このヘッドシェルは同じく軽質量なカートリッジであるVNLや、DJ用途のターンテーブルに備えられたトーンアームとの相性は極めて良好です。